It was a relief when we realised that my birthday would be in the lovely El Bolson rather than in Santiago, and it was one of the major perks of heading back. The night before turned into a celebration complete with sangria, ridiculous headwear and a raucous rendition of Happy Birthday :)
The actual day of my birthday started with a lovely breakfast of local bread and jam specially bought from the market by Zephie as well as a maté :) Yummy!!!!!! Among the other presents I recieved was a guitar, necklace and maté cup. :)
Much of the day was spent relaxing after the previous night's frivolities but we mustered the energy to head into El Bolson to find somewhere to have a meal out. After striking out and setting on a bar to enjoy a tasty dacchari, we eventually settled on a restaurant called Zucchini, where we had a tasty meal featuring (you guessed it) zucchini, as well as pumpkin purée :) After my birthday dinner - served to us by a guy who also shared a March birthday - we headed back to the hostel. To be polite, we decided to head to the bar to say hello to everyone and get just one beer. Which turned into shots, then rum and cokes, then beer..... again..
By about 2am the hats were out again..... :) Ah well - it was another fun night of festivities.
As you can imagine the following day was once again spent in the hammock - a regular way to pass the time for us at the moment ...
Thanks to everyone who passed on their birthday wishes - they were very much appreciated - and apologies to anyone who did not get a reply. We have patchy reception and internet connections at the moment and our credit ran out the day before my birthday - excellent planning on our part yet again!!!!