Well, we finally got round to starting our blog! Sorry it's taken so long, we have had a busy few weeks and have thrown ourselves in headfirst!
We think we owe it to those who have requested updates to give you a quick run-down on our activities so far......
We started out in Rio - an amazing city with incredible beaches, bars and life in general. To say it was a culture shock to arrive there is a bit of an understatement after all the snow in England and the madness of Christmas and getting ourselves away!
We soon got used to having very little to do except go to the beach and go out for a few Caipirinhas!!!
Here is a picture of Impanema Beach, only a couple of minutes from where we were staying! It was so beautiful here and the pic doesn't really do it justice. We spent most of our time looking at this view, relaxing and having many dips in the sea ...aaah!

Here we are on a night out in Lapa at a club where an awesome Samba band were playing...

Unfortunately we don't have many photos from Rio because a very nasty person decided to steal our lovely brand new camera. We still have our trusty wee one though so all is not lost! Despite the set back, Rio was still a lot of fun though!!
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