Escape from Chile ...

Hi again,

We have had a very eventful few days with the earthquake ... Santiago has been rather dead, with nothing open and the glass and debris from the buildings littering the streets. Luckily, we're in a bit of a posh and modern area, so most of the buildings were built to withstand earthquakes - ours too, thank god!!!!!!!!!

Elsewhere in Providencia, life is going on and you wouldn't know there had been one of the worst earthquakes in recorded history, testament to the amazing Chilean infrastructure we think! There is a strange atmosphere here though and there is evidence everywhere of the quake. We have seen buildings that have been reduced to a pile of rubble and ominous cracks in buildings and streets.

Yesterday we were completely shell shocked and spent most of the day watching the footage on the news, trying to find out more about what had happened in the rest of the country. When it happened, we were so scared, hanging on to the beds for fear of flying around. All the lights blacked out half way through, which added to the hysteria. Because everyone was half asleep and didn't quite realise what was going on, no one made it to the door (you're supposed to stand in door frames, or so the movies tell us) until it was nearly over.

We were really badly shaken but couldn't believe what we saw the next day on the news. The damage has been catastrophic and we feel so lucky to be alive!!!! The whole thing is so surreal. We are still feeling the tremors, one of which was quite bad this morning and woke us up!

We have decided to leave Santiago asap, so we're heading back over the Andes tomorrow to Argentina. We are going to Mendoza and we might stay there for a day before heading back to El Bolson, our favourite place by far on the trip. Our bus is early in the morning so will update again when we arrive.

We are completely fine and are looking forward to getting back to El Bolson to recuperate!

Lots of love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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